Growth, change, research, technology, and many other factors challenge us daily to adjust our lifestyle, confront new opportunities, and meet greater demands.
Never as today, in this difficult period, is the certainty that one cannot persevere in the past glories or mistakes and of how much progress is necessary.
The scientific discoveries of the last decade give us the awareness that we are at the gates of a better world, and that this world cannot be born from anything other than the innovation deriving from the creators of true technological excellence and from enlightened minds that will be able to recognize them, cultivate and develop.
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all the valuable people who have contributed to our company's success this year.
Thanks to the dedication, commitment and constant hard work of our Team, Xegate today has reached important position in the Technology Innovation industry.
We have learned, evolved, grown and adjusted our strategy to the market's evolution, believing in People and investing in Technology.
Our determination has brought us to talk to the most entitled Companies and Entities around the world.
Xegate has always raised the highest standard of service and innovation, we will keep the trend.
Every day we study and test new solutions. We analyze data. We innovate continuously.
Because this is Xegate’s way: Innovation aimed to prosperity for Mankind and Planet Earth.

Luca Colzani
CEO - Xegate
B.Sc. Aerospace Engineering Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
R&D Henry Samueli School of Engineering at University of California, Irvine (USA)
M.Sc. Aeronautical Engineering (Spec. Rocket Science) Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Member of SCHTE Fired Consensus Group at American Petroleum Institute (USA)
Member of Mensa, the High-IQ Society
Visionnaire, Innovator, Achiever

Xegate Committee for Research & Science is Xegate's Organ that takes care of the selection and the set-up of new Innovative Technologies and Projects.
Each Project introduced to Xegate is carefully evaluated by:
- Innovation Potential
- Ethic Compliance
- Technology Readiness Level
- Proposing Team's Skills
- Proposing Team's Drive
- Commercial Potential
- Logistics Availability
- Financial Resources Readiness
For further information, please refer to our Project Evaluation Workflow and our Application Section.
Xegate committee structure is designed to be a consistent and clear framework to carry out certain oversight functions on behalf of the Board. It comprises of Audit Committee, Strategic Committee, CSR and Ethics Committee, Risk Committee, Compensation Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee.
Audit Committee
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to:
Assist the Board of the Company (the “Board”) in fulfilling its responsibilities in relation to internal controland financial reporting, and carries out certain oversight functions on behalf of the Board.
Strategy Committee
Xegate strategic committee assists the Board in carrying out its oversight responsibilities relating to potential mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and other key strategic transactions outside the ordinary course of the corporation’s business.
CSR and Ethics Committee
The primary function of the corporate social responsibility and ethics committee is to assist the Board of the company in reviewing the policies including sustainable development and the health, safety and environment policy and also major issues of ethics and public concern.
Risk Committee
Xegate risk committee is established as a consistent framework to assist the Board in its oversight of the corporate’s management of key strategic and operational risks.
Compensation Committee
The compensation committee assists the Board to conduct its responsibilities with respect to determination and execution of Xegate compensation philosophy regarding the employee benefit plans.
Nomination Committee
The purpose of the Nomination Committee is to:
- Lead the process for appointments to the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”);
- Make recommendations to the Board on all Board appointments and re-appointments;
- Review and make recommendations to the Board on succession planning; and
- Review and make recommendations to the Board on corporate governance guidelines.
Remuneration Committee
The purpose of the Remuneration Committee is to:
- Determine and agree with the Board of Directors of the Company the remuneration policy for the Chair, the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Directors and senior management of the Company.
- Within the terms of such agreed policy, determine the individual remuneration package for the Chair, the Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Directors; and
- Monitor the structures and levels of remuneration for other senior executives and make recommendations if appropriate.