Xegate does and supports Advanced Research & Development around the World, with major focus on the fields of nanotechnology for Energy and Environment, for the sake of the Earth and Mankind.
Xegate is specialized in the research and application of new technologies and applications for Business and Industry.
We operate to support and supply technology transfer between Companies and Countries.
Xegate strongly believes in peace and co-operation between Countries and will never stop working to improve the relationships of Government at the highest level for a world working together in harmony without boundaries.
For mature technologies, Xegate exploits the potential of its inventions establishing start-ups, partnerships, strategic alliances with Partner Companies having our same visions and the financial power to make these technology flourish for the benefit of everybody.
In fact, our technologies not only go in the direction of conserving the environment, but also are extremely profitable and with lower payback periods, even compared to the most advanced of nowadays technologies in the market.
We also cooperate with Industrial Companies and Universities and operate as a liaison between the Academic and Industrial worlds.
Our Mission
Spread the Technology Culture worldwide: a righteous rev0lution is possible.
Ethical disruptive innovation and wellness can coexist in a virtuous circle.
Our Vision
For Mankind to live longer and better, in harmony with Planet Earth.
There is no other choice: we need the right technologies for the best applications in the hands of the most trustworthy people.
Growth, change, research, technology, and many other factors challenge us daily to adjust our lifestyle, confront new opportunities, and meet greater demands.
Never as today, in this difficult period, is the certainty that one cannot persevere in the past glories or mistakes and of how much progress is necessary.
The scientific discoveries of the last decade give us the awareness that we are at the gates of a better world, and that this world cannot be born from anything other than the innovation deriving from the creators of true technological excellence and from enlightened minds that will be able to recognize them, cultivate and develop.
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all the valuable people who have contributed to our company's success this year.
Thanks to the dedication, commitment and constant hard work of our Team, Xegate today has reached important position in the Technology Innovation industry.
We have learned, evolved, grown and adjusted our strategy to the market's evolution, believing in People and investing in Technology.
Our determination has brought us to talk to the most entitled Companies and Entities around the world.
Xegate has always raised the highest standard of service and innovation, we will keep the trend.
Every day we study and test new solutions. We analyze data. We innovate continuously.
Because this is Xegate’s way: Innovation aimed to prosperity for Mankind and Planet Earth.
Luca Colzani
CEO - Xegate
B.Sc. Aerospace Engineering Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
R&D Henry Samueli School of Engineering at University of California, Irvine (USA)
M.Sc. Aeronautical Engineering (Spec. Rocket Science) Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Member of SCHTE Fired Consensus Group at American Petroleum Institute (USA)
Member of Mensa, the High-IQ Society
Visionnaire, Innovator, Achiever